Sunday, May 13, 2007

What I Didn't Know

Picture: Me and Mom on the first day of mileage season 2005
So I knew that my mom and I were going to do alot of stuff on our trip this summer, but it wasn't until I actually read this whole blog that I got the whole picture. I thought we were going from home to Hampton beach, to the west coast, stopping at Glacier of course, then go to the rally in Wisconsin, then heading home.
But when I read the blog I was shocked at how much my own mother doesn't tell me. I didn't know we were going to the Red Wood forest, or two rallies, D.C. or Mt St. Helens!


Anonymous said...


Just think of the "secrets" as little presents that you get to "open" along the way.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa!
You two are going to have more fun per mile than anyone I know.
It'll be great to hear about it when you get home!