Sunday, May 11, 2008

Spring Weekend

Mountain Road

It was a fine weekend in New England. Saturday started out overcast, so we opted to do some hiking. I was really looking forward to using my new camera gear. Check this out, an MOA member upgraded his equipment to Nikon and he offered this package to me at a price I could not pass up. It just arrived on Friday. I've already ordered a bigger card and an extra battery.
I've not even tried the big lens yet. The 18-200 is just fine and dandy! This is my first DSLR, I felt I'd finally maxed out the functionality of my Canon SD750.
Camera over my shoulder we headed up Pack Monadnock, the oldest and busiest park in NH. Not too busy Saturday, maybe because it's not officially opened. The weather, in the 60's was perfect for hiking. And the views at the top were very nice. Kevin even spotted two workers in the cell tower, making for an interesting picture.
Trail with a view

High Wire Act

We were a little antsy to get out on the bikes today; we headed Southeast toward the Quabbin Resevoir in Western MA. I decided to stay off the highway, and we tooled through some of the small towns along Rte 2A. It was just so nice to be out for a ride with all the spring colors! I hardly even minded filling up for $17 OMG!

We enjoyed the sights at the Quabbin, and I tried out the new camera
Quabbin Reservoir

Quabbin Reservoir

The boot picture
Boot View

And we finished things off the right way! Mmmm Coffee Oreo
Ice Cream Porn


irondad said...

Interestingly, I just purchased a Nikon D40. The water picture is quite alluring. The dessert picture, well, that makes me want to hit the ice cream parlor right now!

Ronman said...

I love my DSLR. Granted I have not a clue what most of the functions are. Awsome photographs ma'am. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Thank you ma'am,


Anonymous said...

I like to travel fast and light with my small point and shoot digital camera, but the quality of pics from the DSLR are making me think twice. Interested in seeing how your first experiences with the DSLR are.