Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where 5 o'clock does not matter.

Shadow GT

It's 5:00PM on a weekday.

The sun is out, it's about 78 degrees.

I need to ride.

I set out, camera around my neck, in search of my favorite
roads, where 5 o'clock doesn't matter.

Ahhh, I love my neighborhood
ride 035

A pretty little house I've had my eye on.

Back streets of Hollis, NH
Hollis NH Roads

The apple crates are out, it's almost picking season

No traffic here
ride 008

I borrowed this driveway for a quick photoshoot...till the owner came out.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a pretty little house! So is the other one. After riding around your state, I am a little jealous, and I only had part of one day to spend in New Hampshire. I found a few great roads all by accident.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I found you by accident! I was following motorcycle blogs and saw the name, and thought it was a lot like the Flickr name. Which I guess it is! Ill swing by here more often! Especially once I am home and on the net more often. :)

SheRidesABeemer said...

I'm SheRidesABeemer all over the net. :) Glad you stopped by!

Unknown said...

Great Site,

Can you please tell me where I can purchase the "seat bag" on your
K1200GT? It is perfect.

Thanks from sunny Florida,
